Monday, June 23, 2014

Nanoparticles in our body - is it safe?

The major concearn of those who are against nanofood has to do with what happens to nanoparticles once we ingested them. Research shows, that nanoparticles do not only have different proberties, they also have the ability to access cells via different pathways and may be able to wander around in our body. Jonathan J. Powell, Head of the Biomineral Research Group at the University of Cambridge, has done some research on this topic. He came to the conclusion that we, inhabitants of a western country, have been exposed to nanoparticles throughout evolution. Therefor we have generated strategies to utilize nanoparticles for dietary and physiological benefit. There even are special cells outside our gastrointestinal tract whos job it is to absorb wandering nanoparticles for safe storage. While this might sound as if Powell was giving his approval for nanoparticles in food and food contact material, he stresses the point that he is not. He says that "nanoparticulate structures are neither inherently toxic nor inherently safe: like all molecules these decisions will rest upon molecular structure, biological environment, degree of exposure and host susceptibility."

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