Monday, November 25, 2013

Received Pronunciation

Having looked at several websites recommended on our pronunciation practice page, I realized that this is actually going to be a lot of fun. I always had a thing for different English accents and finally this predilection of mine is going to pay off, hopefully. So far I collect different accents like other people stamps or coins or those weird cards. With that I do not mean that I can actually pronounce and speak in different accents. No, that would be a really arrogant. What I have in mind are TV shows like “Downtown Abbey” (northern English accent maybe Yorkshire) “Hart of Dixie” (broad southern American English), listening to Maggie Smith with her fabulous Scottish accent in Harry Potter or listening to Dublin radio shows. I just love accents.

 Regarding my future pronunciation I would have to say that I definitely prefer the received pronunciation in the British English. I think it will be easier for me to do because I actually lived in Winchester, England for four months. Another reason will be all my former English teachers who encouraged us to speak British English. Having looked at the pronunciation exercises I realize it is going to be a lot of work, but I think it is worth the effort. One video that in particular was very interesting for me is where they compare the British and the American English. Her you can see that even though many people think there are not that many words that are pronounced differently it starts with easy things like garage. Still the girls did it in a funny way, and I am going to have lots of fun with all the exercises. 

I actually found this video on youtube, maybe it could help some of you too:


1 comment:

  1. Excellent video! And they really seem to be having fun!
