by Dunja Deveci, Mariña Fernández, Borja Escuer, Julia Seemann
for African migrants within the EU can be challenging.The great
majority came to the EU expecting a better life not being aware of all
the difficulties they have to overcome first. Now many of them are
taking action in order to improve their situation, whether it being bad
housing conditions in Paris or Italy or getting a working permit in
London or France.
London African immigrants found a way to work without having any proper
papers. They simply become somebody else by “cloning”. Cloning
describes the act of borrowing the documents of someone who is legally
allowed to work and live in the United Kingdom and then basically
becoming that person. Crucial is that the two people resemble each
other. Later they would use the borrowed documents when applying for a
job and that get a new identity. Although this has often worked in the
past nowadays cloning has become nearly impossible because prosecution
has tightened. Many undocumented migrants have now united to fight for
their right to legally earn their living and getting a working permit.
in Paris undocumented migrants also joint forces and are now raising
their voices to fight for their rights. Together they start petitions
and organize demonstrations where they claim papers for themselves. The
reason for that are the policy changes which made it almost impossible
for undocumented people to find work or a home. Many had a job but lost
it because of high charges for those who employ them. Also, the need for
uneducated workers went down after the economic crisis. Without papers
those people can not find a job or get help because officially they do
not exist. Many undocumented migrants came from former french colonies
in Africa. They have a strong feeling that France is partially
responsible for what is happening in their countries and caused them to
flee. Now they demand France to step up and take responsibility by
giving them papers so they can work and built a life in their new home
issue that needs to be addressed concerning migrants in Paris are the
poor housing conditions. About 90 percent of the unsafe houses in Paris
are being lived in by immigrants. That is because housing in Paris is
very expensive. For a nine square meter apartment you would have to pay
approximately 200 Euros which is a lot, especially if you are a migrant
without a steady job. The organization Malaika tries to improve this
situation. They do this by installing smoke detectors and fire
extinguishers in the houses. Furthermore they train people for
emergencies. That way they improve the living standards and prevent
deathly accidents.
in Italy African migrants fight in order to improve their housing
conditions. Recently the populist party in Italy introduced a new law
that prevents illegal immigrants to get a permanent residence. Without a
permanent residence those migrants have no chance of getting employed.
An example is the Senegalese Prealpino community. In this community
Senegalese migrants lived and even worked in a building they did not
rent legally. After the new law was introduced they were evicted and the
building was demolished. They decided to fight and occupied a building
crane for 16 days. Eventually the government caved in and annulled the
examples give us an impression of the difficulties illegal migrants
have to face in Europe. The European Union does not help them by closing
its eyes and pretending they do not exist. Apparently many changes need
to be done in order to find a permanent solution for this highly
important issue.
[600 words]